• HOM Co-Sponsors: Alternative Housing Solutions

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    Housing on Merit was a proud co-sponsor of the October 2017 Alternative Housing Solutions Event.  This multi-day event explored how accessory dwelling units (ADUs), modular construction and tiny homes can help address San Diego’s homelessness and housing affordability crisis.  The event was well attended by elected officials, County leaders and community members, and featured tiny home exhibits open for the public to tour. HOM is eager to expand the dialogue around how innovative housing typologies can help solve the affordable housing crisis.

    To learn more about the event, please visit https://tinyhomecentral.net/

  • Recent Publications and Projects from the National Housing Conference 

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    National Housing Conference (NHC) is dedicated to helping ensure safe, decent and affordable housing for all in America. Through nonpartisan advocacy, research and communications for the continuum of housing, NHC develops ideas, resources and policy solutions to move housing forward. HOM’s Executive Director serves as a Board of Trustee for NHC, and our Resident Services Coordinator currently chairs the Philanthropy and Service Committee of NHC’s Young Leaders in Affordable Housing.

    Paycheck to Paycheck: More than Housing

    This research note expands on the Paycheck to Paycheck 2016 annual report and explores the context of spending on housing costs by examining household spending on a variety of items. Households must balance their spending on housing with their spending on other key household needs, such as transportation and healthcare. The lowest income households face the greatest challenges in balancing these competing needs.

    Online National Housing Conference Affordable Housing Policy Guide

    To coincide with the launch of the new NHC website this fall, the research staff is compiling, revising, and reorganizing information from 3 NHC research website (HousingPolicy.org, Forclosure-Response.org, and InclusivePolicy.org) to create a comprehensive online affordable housing policy guide. This guide will serve as a resource of wide breadth that offers accessible explanations of federal, state, and local affordable housing policies and programs and links to research and other resources for a variety of topics. Currently, existing content from the three websites mentioned is being used to develop the guide, and work will continue in 2017 to fill any gaps in the guide.

    Hardest Hit Fund’s Greatest Hits

    This brief explores the lessons learned from the years of federal assistance provided to combat the national foreclosure crisis. With the brief, we hope to preserve the best practices and guide policy decisions in the event of another local, regional, state, or perhaps federal foreclosure crisis. The analysis and recommendations were guided by interviews with staff at the U.S. Department of the Treasury and staff at state Housing Finance Agencies that administer Hardest Hit Funds.

  • Hunger Advocacy Network (HAN) Lobby Day

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    Housing on Merit participates in the San Diego Hunger Advocacy Network, a coalition of non-profits dedicated to the mission of anti-hunger policy and advocacy. In May 2017 the network met with elected officials in Sacramento to gain support for its Legislative Priorities.

    To learn more about the Network’s 2017 Legislative priorities, click here.

  • Housing and Health Working Group

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    With sponsorship from the Kresge Foundation, National Housing Conference will host the first Housing and Health working group meeting on March 3, 2017. The working group is made up of practitioners and organizations from both the housing and health sector that are engaged in innovative cross-sector collaborations and investments. The 6 in-person meetings will focus on identifying sustainable ways to foster more collaboration and investment particularly targeted to households earning about 30 percent of area median income and suffer from chronic health conditions. Lessons distilled from these conversations will be shared more broadly with the housing and health fields.

  • Housing on Merit’s Executive Director is Recognized as one of the most Influential Women in San Diego County by the Daily Transcript

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    Litwak runs Housing on Merit, which develops and manages affordable housing properties. The nonprofit also provides education and wellness services, along with job and life skills training for residents.

    After a stint as a litigator, Litwak transitioned into public policy work and advocacy, consulting on issues related to affordable housing and homelessness. In 2013, she joined HOM, which now has 12 properties with over 2,150 units across California, serving more than 5,375 residents.

    Since it generates revenue through its properties, HOM is not dependent on government funding, Litwak said. This allows the organization to be more nimble and responsive to the needs of its communities. In San Diego, for example, HOM has responded to the growing number of homeless female veterans by launching a program to provide funds to help them establish permanent housing.

    Litwak said the most rewarding aspect of her job is having a lasting impact on people’s lives. She also hopes to do that through her work with the national CREW Network, helping to provide statistics on the advancement of women in commercial real estate.

    “As a woman in this industry, being part of that organization and elevating the conversation around gender bias and barriers … is one of the most impactful things I can do,” she said.

  • Housing on Merit’s Executive Director Is Elected to the National Housing Conference’s Board of Trustees

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    nhc logo

    Our Executive Director, Jennifer Litwak, Esq., has been elected as a Trustee on the NHC’s Board of Trustees. The Board supports and promotes NHC and advocates for its mission. Trustees participate in NHC events and encourage others to become members of NHC and support its work. The Board of Trustees represents NHC’s membership and includes a representative of each of their regional affiliates.

    Formed in 1931, the National Housing Conference is dedicated to helping ensure safe, decent, and affordable housing for all in America. Through nonpartisan advocacy, research and communications for the continuum of housing, NHC develops ideas, resources and policy solutions to move housing forward.

  • Housing on Merit’s Resident Service Coordinator is Nominated for Volunteer Administrator of the Year and Outstanding Service to Residents Award

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    Our Resident Services Coordinator, Sanam Kalhoro-Escoto, has been nominated for the Volunteer Administrators Network’s Volunteer Administrator of the Year Award. VAN provides professional development to San Diego County’s Volunteer Administrators in the form of trainings, monthly roundtable discussions on relevant volunteer management topics, and networking opportunities. The Volunteer Administrator of the Year Award honors the professionals who exemplify the highest principles and ethics in the field of volunteer administration.

    Sanam was also nominated for San Diego Housing Federation’s Outstanding Service to Residents Award. The San Diego Housing Federation creates affordable housing opportunities for low-income people by expanding the knowledge, capacity, and influence of the affordable housing development community. The SDHF’s Ruby Awards is the county’s largest affordable housing and industry recognition event honoring the best people, projects, and achievements during the past year. The Outstanding Service to Residents Award is given to an individual who provides excellent service to residents.

  • CREW Network’s Industry Research Committee

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    Jennifer Litwak, Executive Director of Housing on Merit has been selected for the second year to serve on CREW Network’s Industry Research Committee. Jennifer’s position on the board continues our organizations’ commitment to the industry and other organizations that impact our communities.

    As part of the committee, Litwak will collaborate with other CREW Network members to formulate and execute the organization’s research agenda for 2017. This includes selection of research topics based on the organization’s 2015 Benchmark Study, and 2016 White Paper entitled, ‘Closing the Gap: Addressing Gender Bias and Other Barriers for Women in Commercial Real Estate

    “I look forward to the opportunity to serve CREW network in this capacity,” Litwak said. “This committee will also provide a national platform to drive awareness of Housing on Merit and our Mission.”

    In 1989, CREW Network was founded as the commercial real estate industry’s premier business networking organization dedicated to advancing the achievements of women. The national organization has grown to more than 9,000 members, representing nearly every discipline within the industry including law, brokerage, leasing, property management, finance, title/escrow, development and more. It’s one of the strongest business networks in the commercial real estate industry, with an intent focus on business development, leadership development, industry research and career outreach.

  • How Housing Matters Conference

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    National Housing Conference hosted the 2016 How Housing Matters Conference in partnership with Urban, ULI and HUD PD&R, with sponsorship from the MacArthur Foundation. The Conference explored the intersecting issues facing the housing, health, education, and workforce development sectors and identified the challenges to continuing this work in the new political climate. NHC produced 3 profiles of innovative collaborations at the intersection of housing and health, education, and economic security.

  • Homelessness and the Impact on Commercial Real Estate

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    Our Executive Director, Jennifer Litwak, will be moderating a talk on Homelessness and its Impact on Commercial Real Estate. Clink on the link above to learn more and to register for the event.